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All Students Learn Differently
All Students Learn Differently is a 45-hour, three-credit professional development course for Maryland educators. In this course, you will have the opportunity to engage deeply in what it means to meet the diverse needs of all learners. All of us, children, and adults alike, have different strengths and weaknesses in our learning. Historically, schools have approached student learning with a one-size-fits-all mentality and have struggled to adapt to changing student needs. This course will expand your knowledge of learning differences, provide actionable strategies to impact your student's learning experience and cultivate a growth mindset. More
Dates Dates: October 9 - December 10, 2024. The online courses are asynchronous. The start and end dates represent the first and last date of the semester, not the meeting dates.
Pricing Pricing:
Location Location:
Status Status: 18 open seats left
Class Size Class size: 20 seats
Foundations of Gifted and Talented Education
This course addresses gifted and talented education history, theories, pedagogy, identification tools and processes, and instructional models. The course also gives participants a glimpse into the unique learning characteristics and the social and emotional needs of gifted and talented students, including twice-exceptional students and students in historically underrepresented groups. More
Dates Dates: September 25 - December 17, 2024. The online courses are asynchronous. The start and end dates represent the first and last date of the semester, not the meeting dates.
Pricing Pricing:
Location Location:
Status Status: 20 open seats left
Class Size Class size: 20 seats
Helping All Students Succeed in PE and the IEP Process
Helping All Students Succeed in PE and the IEP Process is intended for physical education teachers and other school personnel interested in increasing their knowledge of adapted physical education. Course topics will include federal and state legislation, assessment tools for determining whether a student qualifies for Adapted Physical Education, and IEP goal setting and reporting.
Dates Dates: October 9 - December 10, 2024. The online courses are asynchronous. The start and end dates represent the first and last date of the semester, not the meeting dates.
Pricing Pricing:
Location Location:
Status Status: 20 open seats left
Class Size Class size: 20 seats
Online Teaching in Maryland (OTM)
This newly updated online course prepares participants to facilitate asynchronous online courses for students and other educators. Readings, hands-on activities, discussions, role-playing, and other activities support learning the pedagogy behind successful online learning, teaching, and assessment. In addition, practice in the course's "Sandbox" helps participants apply their knowledge and utilize the course features of MSDE's learning management system. More
Dates Dates: October 9 - December 10, 2024. The online courses are asynchronous. The start and end dates represent the first and last date of the semester, not the meeting dates.
Pricing Pricing:
Location Location:
Status Status: 19 open seats left
Class Size Class size: 20 seats
Social and Emotional Learning for MD Educators
This course aligns with the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) framework for social-emotional learning (SEL). CASEL is a widely recognized leader in the field of SEL. Participants will build a foundational understanding of how SEL skills are essential to and inseparable from student learning. In addition, participants will explore examples of how others implement SEL, learn strategies to apply in the classroom and share ideas with colleagues throughout the State of Maryland. More
Dates Dates: October 9 - December 10, 2024. The online courses are asynchronous. The start and end dates represent the first and last date of the semester, not the meeting dates.
Pricing Pricing:
Location Location:
Status Status: 20 open seats left
Class Size Class size: 20 seats
Teaching K-8 Multilingual Learners Literacy & Academic Content
Teaching K-8 Multilingual Learners Literacy & Academic Content course will help you more effectively prepare your students with limited English proficiency in elementary and middle grades with the skills they need to be successful in school. This is a critical challenge for elementary and middle school teachers as the number of multilingual learners continues to increase in the United States. This course is grounded in the foundational values of ensuring equitable learning opportunities for multilingual learners, amplifying and honoring multilingual learners home and family cultures, engaging in literacy as social practice, and scaffolding instruction with multilingual learners.

Note: This course was formerly known as Teaching K-8 English Language Learners Literacy & Academic Content. While the title of the course has changed, the content has remained the same. If you participated in this course during the Spring of 2024, you cannot receive credit for participating in the course again.
Dates Dates: October 9 - December 10, 2024. The online courses are asynchronous. The start and end dates represent the first and last date of the semester, not the meeting dates.
Pricing Pricing:
Location Location:
Status Status: 20 open seats left
Class Size Class size: 20 seats
Total: 6 Page size: